Creative Founder, Danni B
Danni B is a Melbourne-based Live Illustrator with a passion for connecting through creativity.
Throughout her 20 year Design & Illustration career, Danni has explored many wild and wonderful pathways.
These diverse experiences sparked the beginning of Live Sketch by Danni B and her love of amplifying events with artwork. Danni studied Illustration & Design at Melbourne Polytechnic specialising in Traditional & Digital Illustration, Commercial Illustration, Concept Design, Fashion Illustration, Live Drawing, Printing, Painting, and Portraiture.
Her professional career commenced in 2002 as a Children’s Toy Designer for local and international toy companies - a vocation she still pursues and adores. Across time Danni explored work as a Voice-Over Artist, Primary School Art Assistant, and Storybook Illustrator. She also hosted Free Online Drawing Tutorials for children during the pandemic, as a way of encouraging happiness, creativity and connection. Danni believes it is the child-like wonder of these roles that infuse her current work with an inventive and playful spirit.
In 2018, Danni launched Live Sketch by Danni B. With Event Planners seeking more meaningful ways of captivating audiences, Danni saw an opportunity to expand her skills in this area. In a time where much of what we consume is digital or mass-produced, Danni honours an authentic approach. Every artwork and experience she develops is one-of-a-kind ensuring the outcome is bespoke, revered, and remembered.
Discover more about Danni in the video below.